Tron - Week 5 beginner project

    Tron - Week 5 beginner project

    Welcome to week 5!

    By AI Club on 10/13/2024

    Welcome to Week 5 of our Tron AI journey! This week, we're taking a significant step forward by integrating external AI decision-making into our Tron game. We'll be modifying our existing Tron bot to consult an external service for move decisions, setting the stage for more advanced AI strategies in the future.

    Introduction to External AI Integration

    In our journey of creating a Tron game, we've reached a pivotal moment. Up until now, our players moved based on direct keyboard input or simple predefined patterns. While this approach served us well for understanding the basics of game development, it limited the potential intelligence of our game agents. Now, we're taking a significant leap forward by integrating external AI decision-making into our Tron bot. This means that instead of relying on hardcoded rules or direct input, our game will consult an external service to determine each player's moves. This shift opens up a world of possibilities for creating truly intelligent and adaptive game agents.

    Why External AI?

    1. Separation of Concerns

      1. In software development, "separation of concerns" is a design principle that suggests dividing a computer program into distinct sections, each addressing a separate concern. By moving our AI decision-making to an external service, we're adhering to this principle. The game logic (managing the game state, rendering graphics, handling collisions, etc.) remains separate from the AI logic (deciding which move to make). This separation makes our code cleaner, easier to understand, and simpler to maintain.

    2. Flexability

      1. With an external AI service, we gain incredible flexibility in how we implement our game's intelligence. We can easily swap out different AI implementations without touching the core game code. Want to try a rule-based AI? Just create a new AI service that implements those rules. Interested in machine learning? Develop an AI service that uses a trained model to make decisions. The game itself doesn't need to change; it just calls the AI service and acts on the result.

    3. Scalability

      1. As we look to the future, this approach sets us up for significant scalability. We could potentially use more powerful, remote AI services without modifying the game code itself. Imagine connecting your Tron game to a cloud-based supercomputer running advanced AI algorithms - with our new structure, that's entirely possible! This scalability also extends to multiplayer scenarios: different players could use different AI services, all competing in the same game.

    Real-World Applications

    This approach of using external services for key functionalities isn't just useful for games. It's a common pattern in many types of software development:

    • E-commerce platforms might use external services for recommendations.

    • Social media apps often use external services for content moderation

    • Autonomous vehicles typically use external services for route planning and traffic analysis.

    By learning this pattern with our Tron game, you're gaining skills that apply broadly across the software industry.

    Step 1. Creating a Mock AI Service

    Download the following file:

    This MockAI class simulates an AI service. The get_direction method returns a random direction each time it's called, simulating an AI making decisions.

    Step 2. Updating the Player Class

    In this step, we're modifying our Player class to integrate with the AI service. This is a crucial change that shifts our player from being controlled by direct input to being guided by an AI. Let's break down the changes and understand each part of the updated player dot py file. Please download it from the link below:

    Now, let's break down the key changes and their implications:

    1. AI Integration in Constructor

      1. We've added a new parameter ai to the constructor. This allows us to inject any object that has a get_direction method, following the principle of dependency injection. This makes our Player class more flexible and testable, as we can easily swap out different AI implementations.

    2. AI-Driven Movement

      1. The move() method now consults the AI to get a new direction. This is a significant change from our previous implementation where the direction was set based on keyboard input or predefined patterns. Now, the AI makes the decision, and the player acts on it.

    Implications of These Changes

    1. Abstraction of Decision-Making

      1. By delegating the decision-making to an external AI object, we've abstracted this process away from the Player class. The Player doesn't need to know how the decision is made; it just needs to know how to act on that decision.

    2. Flexibility in AI Implementation

      1. Because we're passing in the AI object, we can easily switch between different AI implementations without changing the Player class. We could have a random AI, a rule-based AI, or even a machine learning model, and the Player class would work with all of them.

    Step 3. Modifying the Main Game Loop

    In this step, we're updating our main game file, to incorporate the AI-driven players. This change transforms our game from a human-controlled experience to an AI simulation. Let's break down the entire file and understand each part:

    Let's break down the key changes and their implications:

    1. Import MockAI

      1. We've added an import for our MockAI class. This allows us to create AI instances for our players.

    2. Simplified Event Handling

      1. We've simplified the handle_events function. It now only checks for the quit event, as we no longer need to handle keyboard input for player movement.

    3. AI Integration in Main Function

      1. In the main function, we create two MockAI instances and pass them to the Player constructors. This is where we're injecting our AI into the game.

    4. Unchanged Game Loop

      1. The core game loop remains largely unchanged. This is a testament to our modular design - we've significantly altered how players make decisions without having to change how the game runs.

    Running the Updated Game

    To run the game with these changes:

    1. Make sure all the files are in the same directory

    2. Run the following command python

    You should now see the game running with two AI players moving randomly. This provides a foundation for implementing more complex AI strategies in the future.

    Remember, the key to learning is experimentation. Don't be afraid to try out different ideas and see how they affect the game's behavior. Happy coding!
